Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Am I a modern slave? The evening before the job:

I have to get up extra early tomorrow morning, so I'm packing everything I will need now. Most important is my uniform and my deathly uncomfortable wedges. Not only do we have to work for what seems like ages but we also have to do it in these awful shoes. Then I mustn’t forget two things which might save my life while working. I am talking about bananas and something to drink. We might actually get food but only if there is enough time. My boss once said, “Today isn’t a good day for breaks!” So we didn’t have a break at all. Those are the moments when I have the feeling that I am a machine than an employee. Besides, what we get isn’t always edible. Not that I am fussy but a stomach ache isn’t very helpful when you have to work for almost 20 hours. The last time we did one of these jobs, my friend got an itchy rash all over her body after eating the food they set out for us. Don’t know what they did with that food and I don’t really want to know! And last but not least, I pack a blanket and a pillow because apart from being hungry and worn out I will probably be freezing cold on the journey back. And now it’s time to get a little sleep.

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