Sunday, March 21, 2010

Number One

Why, hello there! You decided to read my blog, I’m excited!
I want to use this platform to share all the little bits of wisdom and ponderings, daydreams and wonderings of my life with you, gentle reader. Ahh, makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn’t it?

Well, if you’ve read the "about me" part of my profile, you already know what my life is all about – jobs, school, private life – and that’s where many of my insights come from.

I’m the nanny of three sweet children, ages two through six, henceforward referred to as monsters one, two and three. I love hanging out with them. Well … cater to their every snotty need, more specifically. You can learn a lot from children: silly songs, patience, what not to feed the dog. You name it.
So that’s part-time job numero uno.

Numero dos requires a lot less responsibility, but a lot more endurance. I work the Rent-A-Segway booth in the Salzburg city center. I rent out the Segways, teach people how to ride them, do city tours (yes, on a Segway), etc. Less responsibility as in one Segway = 7000 bucks; one child = priceless. More endurance? You see, I can handle listening to the Hi-5 Christmas Special for the umpteenth time regardless of the season. However, I find it a lot harder to handle a choir of Segway-riding, camera-wielding Sound of Music enthusiasts on a two-hour tour around town.

But I digress. So you see, most of my inspiration comes from working with children and tourists, two categories of people who have brought forward some of the most fascinating specimens of our kind. I enjoy my work immensely and would never give it up even though my jobs do cut into school time quite a bit.
Ah, yes. School. I go to university in order to learn, to entertain myself, to meet people, to feel smug for later on in life. But mainly in order to learn, of course, and because my parents made me. I still manage to suck some inspiration out of school and out of the things I learn there, the books we read. But studying philology has killed 90% of my love of literature. Quite dead. However, I’m fairly certain I’ll be able to revive it within a week or two of having received my diploma.

And my third major fount of inspiration besides the above-mentioned and eavesdropping on old ladies on the bus is my life as the helicopter mom of the apartment I share with four other people as well as a crazy cat and a Methuselah of a hamster. (And five to ten Mediterranean flour moths. I wish those doggone things would just go and die already!) There is always something going on at our house and usually whatever is going on is accompanied by our housemate M practicing her hammered dulcimer in the background. (You can get a degree in that, by the way. See, you learn something new every day.)

So, as you may have figured out on your own by now, gentle reader, I can recycle many a trivial experience into some jim-dandy worldly wisdom. And you can be part of it all!
Ever wonder how the things I do to afford my degree in this beautiful city make me feel? How does my degree as a whole make me feel? How does the beautiful city make me feel?
Learn all about it in my blog!
Also, discover how being aware of the fact that the only monster-approved recipe for waffles is on page 142 of the Baker’s Bible saves my life every Tuesday. Learn how using the words “cebu” and “water buffalo” in a simple song not only produces a most incredible effect but may also turn out to be crucial for my progress at the University of Salzburg (which I so diligently attend). Find out why I’m haunted by visions of the Easter Bunny on a Segway. And not a cute, fluffy pink Easter Bunny either. More like … well, have you seen the movie Donnie Darko?

To be continued …


  1. The bunny figure in Donnie Darko scares the begeepers out of me...I have now added "Easter bunny" to the "Things That Haunt Me" list as well! O:o)

  2. Then imagine it on a Segway.
    Following you while making a "zzzwwwwweeee" sound.
    At 20 km/h.
    Or at 7 km/h if the haunting bunny is under 18. In that case I'm obliged to activate the "turtle" function on his Segway remote.
    Now that is disturbing.

  3. I am quite curious about your tales involving monsters no. 1, 2 and 3. I could never imagine throwing myself in front of the wolves like that so I admire your courage and will be looking forward to your reportings ;)

  4. Hahaha you made me laugh out loud - a haunting bunny on a segway. Hilarious really! Also, I sort of know what you're going through; I also did some of the most random promotion jobs.
    An example: promotion job for Herold phone book. Dressed up in an xxx(..)xl yellow (imagine the ugliest type of yellow, being throuhg a thousand washes...) t-shirt and a yellow (not matching though!) cap I had to stand full 9 hours outside a supermarket (on a very busy Saturday) and hand over free phone books to everyone who passed me. That not being enough of humiliation, I also had to (with a big smile of course) say "Hallo, ich bin der Herold." whenever I successfully got rid of one of the books. The money was worth it though!
    So chin up and keep the money in mind when you're cruising around Salzburg in your bunny costume! :-)

  5. I can totally relate to your job as a nanny - kids sometimes just drive you nuts. One year au-pair experience for a three and an eight year old taught me a lot - about them and my range of patience. Have you ever read the Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus? Totally worth it.
    Can't wait for your stories to come. =)

  6. Red Shoes. I am eternally grateful for that Herold story. You made my day :D
    Haha, Mokka, I've been there. At least now I'm not a live-in nanny, so I can return the monsters at the end of the day and have that mojito in peace. I haven't read the Nanny Diaries, but I will definitely try to find it! Sounds like a great read :)
